About Us

Our Mission

West End Center strengthens the future of youth by offering holistic programming focused on academics, health and wellness, and cultural arts in a safe and nurturing environment.

Our History

In 1979, poverty, crime, and drug trading characterized Roanoke's West End neighborhood. Vacant lots, abandoned buildings, and deteriorating rental properties were widespread. A number of children were wandering the streets without supervision, and there had been an increase in vandalism.

In response, West End Presbyterian Church, West End United Methodist Church and the Mountain View Neighborhood Alliance formed a coalition to establish West End Center as a safe haven for the neighborhood children.​

Since that time, West End Center has experienced tremendous growth, both in the number of children served and the available programs and services. Today, West End Center serves about 150 children each year. The goal of the program is to equip the students with developmental assets they need to become happy, healthy, successful adults. To accomplish this goal, WEC offers wholistic programming to support the health of our students’ minds, bodies, and spirits.

The success of the young people who have attended West End Center is a testament to the ability of this grassroots, community-based program, working in partnership with loyal supporters, to make a difference in the lives of young people.

The Team

Karen Pillis

Executive Director

Deseree Stanfield

Director of Education

Danny Britton

Director of Operations

Jason Rowe

Literacy/STEAM Coordinator

Ryan Filegar

Peacebuilders & Wellness

Mia Sappingfield

Director of Development

Our Board

The West End Center depends on the leadership and support of our Board of Directors. Each of these individuals contributes to the success of our impact in the community.

Stephanie Graham - President
Susan Kessler - Vice President
Laura Carini - Secretary
Joe Christenbury-Treasurer
Allison Bowersock
Shiree Carr
Susan Larkin

Ethan Cook
Mckinley Forrest
Tara Hutcheson
Brandi Lazare
Terri Maxey
Alicia McAllister
Mike McAllister

Frankie Robbins
Kim Turner
Patsy Wallace
James Creekmore, Director Emeritus
Walton Rutherfoord, Director Emeritus

West End Center Strategic Plan

The West End Center Strategic Plan and Annual Impact Report

Our Partners

West End Center Sponsors